“Honorable Members Of The Board of Patron”

Dr. Bikram Lamba Ph.D.

Dr. Bikram Lamba Ph.D.
Dr. Bikram Lamba is a political and business strategist, usually referred to as a human encyclopedia, and an Icon of the South Asian community, the well known, versatile TV commentator, broadcaster, and writer.
Dr. Lamba served as a political strategist to the Dr. Manmohan Singh Former Prime Minister of India; he assisted in the development of the country, both economically and politically.
Dr. Lamba invited by the Shaukat Aziz Former Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2005 to address the slack economy in that country.
He has delivered over 500 workshops, seminars and lectures on various economic and developmental subjects. He has published 7 books and written over 2,000 articles.
Dr. Lamba as honored by the Lt. Governor and awarded for Free Speech and Human Rights and also was awarded Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Medal, for his services to the Community.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dr. Bikram Lamba Ph.D.
- Canada

Her Highness Princess Dato’ Seri Dato’ Dr. Romona Murad
Her Highness Princess Dato’ Seri Dato’ Dr. Romona Murad (SSAS, DSMP, DMP, SMP,
MIPR), is the Founder and President of Romona International Sdn Bhd
(Romona International), President for Romona Consultancy and Management. She is holding the position as the Chairperson for the Royal Society Group Malaysia.
Her Highness is also an Ambassador for Triton Solar, a solar company that is based in New Jersey, USA.
Her Highness Princess Dato’ Seri Dato’ Dr. Romona Murad is the first woman from Asia to hold a senior position with the International Royal Academy of United Nations. She is well-linked with networks all over the world.
Her Highness Princess was a recipient “Award for Humanity and Peace Advocacy” , “Grand Order of the Noble Hand of Honor” also received the Sultan Special Award from His Royal Highness.
Her Highness Princess carries the title Dato’ Seri. The title Dato’, Datuk,
Her Highness received her Honorary Doctorate, Dra. H.C. in Human Rights and Preservation of the Environment in Asia and Honorary Doctorate (Dr) in Fine Arts and Management from the International Royal Academy of United Nations.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Her Highness Princess Dato’ Seri Dato’ Dr. Romona Murad
- Malaysia

HRH Prince Nawab Mir Nasir Ali Khan
Mr. Mir Nasir Ali Khan is a Post Graduate in Business Management.
He has more than 20 years of experience in Construction and the Real Estate Industry. He is also Promoter & Managing Director of Front-line Constructions Ltd, MAK Projects and Rooshna Construtions. Reputed construction companies which have constructed a number of prestigious Residential and Commercial properties in prime locations across Hyderabad.
Since past 25 years has gradually been able to set many benchmark in the field of Real Estate, Corporate social responsibility and upholding social values. He has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Real Estate & Infrastructure by ECOLE SUPERIEURE ROBERT DE SORBON University of France.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
HRH Prince Nawab Mir Nasir Ali Khan
- India

Avvocato Filippo Morlacchini
He is graduated from “Università Degli Studi di Perugia”. Registered with the Rome Bar
Association and authorized to practice before the Higher Courts. Over the years, he has practiced
as a defense lawyer in cases of Corporate Criminal Law (banking, bankruptcy, financial crimes)
and of crimes against Intellectual Property, crimes against PA, Customs offences, Health and
Safety Crimes . He is a Professor of Criminal Procedure at “Scuola di Specializzazione per le
Professioni Legali” of “LUMSA di Roma”. He authored several articles and publications.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Avvocato Filippo Morlacchini
- Italy

Dr. Narender Nagarwal Ph.D.
He is an academician and prominent voice of Constitutional Law, Minorities Law and Human
Rights in India. Dr. Nagarwal received his BA (H) in Political Science, MA in Political Science
with specialisation in International Relations, LL.B., LL.M. and Ph.D from University of Delhi
(India) respectively. He is widely recognised for his writing in critical areas of secularism
studies, strategic area studies and certain issues of India’s foreign policy.
Dr. Nagarwal has authored many research papers and book chapters, and his work has opened up
new areas of research on conceptions of Minorities Law in India and South Asia. He is also
member of editorial board of leading publications and journals in India and abroad. Currently, he
is working on the emerging role of state institutions and issue of governance including human
rights mechanism and changing role of judicial system in India.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dr. Narender Nagarwal Ph.D.
- India

Justice (R) Prof. Abdul Waheed Siddiqui
He was the preceptor of the Former Prime Minister Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. He is a
Former Senior Judge, Federal Shariat Court, Islamabad. He was the Professor of Medical
Jurisprudence of different Universities in Karachi and the Professor of Shariat Laws, Sindh
Judicial Academy, Sindh High Court, Karachi.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Justice (R) Prof. Abdul Waheed Siddiqui
- Pakistan

Prof. Vasco Fronzoni Ph.D.
He is a Professor of Muslim Law at the L'Orientale University and at the Pegaso Telematic
University in Italy. He graduated in Law and Islamic Sciences and then got Ph.D. in "Muslim
Law" at the Oriental University and has a specialization diploma in "Violence et Religion" at the
Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de Genève.
He is also Scientific Director (Confessional Rights sector) in the "Diritto e Religione" journal,
Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Halal and Shari'a Compliance Academy", European
Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB),Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants
(UEAI), European Academy of Religion (EuARe) ,Teaching Committee for the PhD in "Law,
Education and Development" of the Pegaso International - Higher Education Institution of Malta,
editorial board of the online newspaper "Daily Muslim"
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Prof. Vasco Fronzoni Ph.D.
- Italy

Advocate Yasin Azad
He is a former President of Supreme Court Bar Association. He is one of the
prominent Pakistani human rights activists and well known politician of Pakistan
He was a key leader of the Movement for the Restoration of Judiciary in Pakistan.
During his career he was involved in a number of high-profile cases as lawyer.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Advocate Yasin Azad
- Pakistan

M. Ali Khalid Qazi
He founded M.A.K Telecommunication Engineering Services (Pvt.) Limited in 2005 and
managed the company as a Director/CEO for the past 15 years during which he delivered
strategic engineering solutions and state of the art services to the valued customers in Pakistan,
Turkey, UAE primarily in the fields of wireless Telecommunication, GSM/2G/3G/LTE and
Security Surveillance System.
He accumulated versatile experience of working in the international market on various leading
positions with a number of multinational companies including Huawei (HQ) global managed
services, Nortel, Lucent Technologies and Mobilink.
He possesses a diverse skill set and extensive experience in the fields of telecommunication,
management training, administration establishment, manufacturing management and protocols
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
M. Ali Khalid Qazi
- Turkey

Kartik Umakant Desai

Kartik Umakant Desai
He is a Chairman of the Board of SIA, Baltovents(Baltovents Limited), Chairman of the Board
of Institute of Quantum Mechanics & Strategic Studies, Vice Chairman of the Board of
European Asian Chamber of Commerce, Member of the Advisory Board – SME Chamber of
India, Member of the Board of Directors – Umakant Desai Foundation, Member of the Board of
Directors – World Maritime Organization.
In his over 40 years of professional career, he has also represented several organizations and had
been privy to several high-profile meetings & interactions including defence strategy & security.
He had also been a speaker at several high-profile forums and has also been a Guest of honour at
several prestigious institutions across several continents.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Kartik Umakant Desai
- India

Gen. Robert S Biazon
SCG Gen. Robert S Biazon Graduated at New Era University. His course is marketing specialist,
Marketing Director, company speaker. Training in military combat he is also training director for
LFS Leadership Formula for Success.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Gen. Robert S Biazon
- Philippine

Mohammad Jinna A.J
He is a founding Chairman of United World Halal Development in Singapore. He holds a
Bachelor's degree in Computer science, masters in Telecommunication and networking both
from India, and has an advanced diploma in E-Commerce from Singapore, Diploma in Islamic
Banking Finance from UK and a certification in HALAL Auditing and Shari'ah compliance from
Malaysia. Mr. Jinna is a creative visionary and an out of the box thinker, spearheading many
businesses with a positive aura and holding various key positions in the Halal industry, globally.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Mohammad Jinna A.J
- Singapore

Dott. Salvatore Guerriero
He is the president of the National and international confederation of companies in the
world PMI international. He is the former mayor at Comune di Avella. He studied
Political Sciences at the University of Naples "Federico II". He is a great humanitarian
and politician in Italy.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dott. Salvatore Guerriero
- Italy

Advocate Anjum Hameed
She is a high profile Human Rights Lawyer, Attorney of the High Courts of Pakistan, Public Interest
Litigation Attorney, Political Analyst, Current Affairs Analyst, founder and Managing Partner of Anjum
Hameed Law Firm. She has the honour to serve in Human Rights Cell of Supreme Court of Pakistan as
Volunteer and helped over 110,000 poor people. She is an anthropologist, a voice of voiceless people!
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Advocate Anjum Hameed
- Pakistan

Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta
He is senior consultant, plastic & reconstructive surgery bombay hospital institute of medical sciences,
mumbai. He was an ex member “Board of Governors” medical council of india and ex member
“Academic Council” Maharashtra University of health sciences (muhs), nashik.
He has received national / social awards "Padma Shri” by honorable president of the Republic of India for
outstanding contributions in community services in medicine and international social awards /
"Sheikh Hamdan International Award” for volunteers in humanitarian medical services by H. E. Sheikh
Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta
- India

Avvocato Alessandro Zolzettich
He is a senior criminal advocate Supreme Court of Rome, Italy. He is a vice president of
foundation Alfa Uno and CEO of foundation Alfa due.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Avvocato Alessandro Zolzettich
- Italy

Ghulam Qadir Thebo IG

Ghulam Qadir Thebo IG
In recent history of Pakistan, a highly respected name in the Pakistan police, IG officer Ghulam
Qadir Thebo distinguished career spans several different fields, from law enforcement.
It is in the field of counter-terrorism strategies and tactics that his contributions have earned the
most wide-spread acclaim. He is credited with the introduction of e-reporting of crimes in
Karachi city policing.
He played a key part in the development of “targets” as invaluable sources of information in the
intelligence gathering apparatus of the Government of Sindh.
As Inspector General of Police in Sindh, he has also been instrumental in introducing several
citizen-friendly initiatives as well as several welfare measures for the benefit of the lower rungs
of the police force.
He has Awarded President Police Medal (PPM) by Government of Pakistan and Sitara-i-Imtiaz
was recommended by Government of Sindh.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Ghulam Qadir Thebo IG
- Pakistan

Advocate Ratan Kumar Das
He holds the degree of Bachelor of Laws (Hon’s) & Masters of Laws From the Reputed
University of Bangladesh. Humanist, Human Rights Defender, Child Rights and Social Activist.
Ambassador & President of United Nations World Peace Association UNWPA,Bangladesh
Chapter. He has received Honorary Doctorate Degree from two Countries on Human Rights &
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Advocate Ratan Kumar Das
- Bangladesh

Dr. Alexandr Stepanovič
He is well educated in international politics and EU related problematic with focus in EU -
Russian relations with participation of US/UK influence and its practical diplomatic consequence
with concern in healthy cooperation. He is a right-wing politician.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dr. Alexandr Stepanovič
- Czech Republic

Prof. Dr. Gali Vinod Kumar Ph.D.
He is an Associate Professor, Head & Chairperson BOS at University College of Law, Osmania
University. He has Participated as an Indian Delegate at United Nations World Conference held at Durban
city in South Africa. He has conducted many seminars in different institutions on different topics. He
writes articles figuring more than 200 were published in English and Telugu in the form of Law journals,
edited books, and in daily Newspapers and magazines. And participated in electronic media debates on
various issues. He registered “NAVA BHARAT NIRMAN CHARITABLE TRUST” and Established
Hyderabad Wall of Kindness Centers in Hyderabad and freely served essential Commodities to needy
people during the Lockdown scenario due to Covid-19 Pandemic. He is Participating in the Southern
India Self-Respect movement and Global South Countries Issues and Challenges as Chairman of the
Global South Forum.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Prof. Dr. Gali Vinod Kumar Ph.D.
- India

Salim Yazici
He has completed his Master in International Relations and Public Administration. He has
worked on various projects in Turkey & geopolitical and geo-economics. He completed his
thesis with the name of the Importance of the Afro-Eurasian Region in terms of Geo-economics
and published his book name of ‘’YENİDEN ASYA’’. He provides commercial and political
consultancy services to the candidates for companies, mayors, and deputies.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Salim Yazici
- Turkey

Dr. Huma Baqai
Dr. Huma Baqai is an Associate Professor and former Chairperson of Social Sciences Department at IBA.
She has been associated with teaching and research for the last 20 plus years now.
She is working with both national and international media an as international relations expert and
political expert and political analyst since 1999. Anchored Current Affairs Programs on Pakistan
Television, News One and Channel 24. She is also a Certified Corporate trainer from Germany and is
associated with the Center for Executive Education IBA. Dr Baqai is regularly invited for Guest lectures
and Public Speaking Events. she also serves on both Academic and Corporate Boards. Prior to joining
IBA, she was an Assistant Professor with the Department of International Relations University of
Karachi. Currently, Dr Baqai is a member of Board of Directors of more than ten Educational Institutions
and Private and Non-Profit organizations.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Dr. Huma Baqai
- Pakistan

Raza Rumi
He is a Pakistani columnist, policy analyst and journalist. Presently, he is a scholar in residence at Ithaca
College, U.S.A where he teaches at the Honors Program.
He started his career in the Government of Pakistan as an officer of the administrative services. He was
Assistant Commissioner, sub divisional magistrate of Murree.
As a journalist, He is affiliated with the Daily Times, the Friday Times, Pakistan's foremost liberal
weekly paper as a writer and an editor for a decade. Mr. Raza is also a commentator for several
publications which include Foreign Policy, Huffington Post, New York Times, The Diplomat, Fair
Observer, CNN and Al Jazeera, Daily O, Scroll India, The Hindu and Indian Express, The
News, DAWN and Express Tribune, Pakistan. In Pakistan, he also worked in the broadcast media as an
analyst and hosted talk shows at Capital TV and Express News.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Raza Rumi
- United States of America

Prof. Seyyed Inayatollah Shadab
He has served as a senior Professor at the University of Kabul and also as chairman of the
Islamic Jamiat Leadership Council of Afghanistan. He has brilliantly recorded impressions of
nature on the human mind and is aware of precarious human nature to dominate and subjugate.
He is very much vocal regarding the menace of impunity.
His commitment to human rights and democracy is legendary. He is the author of several
articles, book chapters, as well as the academic books.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Prof. Seyyed Inayatollah Shadab
- Afghanistan

Hasan Ali Al Shareef
He is an environmental activist & senior consultant who has worked to address the problem of
climate change, and also a human rights activist. He is a Global Goodwill Ambassador at large
for Environment. He is the founder of the Arab German Green Development Organisation
(AGDO). He is prominent in the alter-globalization movement which seeks to promote global
co-operation and interaction but also promoted local alternatives to economic globalization with
a focus on environmentally sustainable practices.
He became an active environmentalist highlighting the issue of global warming and has been an
advocate for environmental projects, such as encouraging organic farming.
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
Hasan Ali Al Shareef
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia