The EAFPF will engage in innovative, independent and impartial research in the area of
international peace, security affairs, human rights, governance, financial malpractices, global
economy, defence & strategic studies, international trade and issues concerning terrorism. The
EAFPF is a non-partisan think tank that produce timely advice on broader security and strategic
affairs, regional security environment, development issue and matters concerning financial
governance. The EAFPF will remain an autonomous, non-profit, and peace-oriented think tank
which encourages research, dialogue, and networking across the globe. The institute will be
known for its magnificent profile, renowned members, marked quality research, the highest
standard of data management, and the problem-solving approach in some critical areas. The
prime endeavour of EAFPF to be a leading research and policy institute that initiates, coordinates
and supports research and learning on various subjects and issues. The main aim of the EAFPF is
produces new ideas for governments and international organisations, allowing them to make a
well-informed decision for the betterment of future generations.
It’s a matter of immense pleasure to announce formation of a Think Tank named as Euro Asia Financial Policy Forum hereinafter referred as EAFPF to be founded in 2020 at historic state- Italy, which is known as one of the oldest surviving civilizations in the world. The EAFPF envisioned by Syed Haroon Ahmed who has been associated with many activities of suppressing, conquering and eliminating the religious extremism, terrorism, ethnic violence and crime against humanity since last two decades. Mr. Ahmed is privileged to have expertise, experience and capacity to run a Think Tank which has global presence in certain area where issue resolved through solution-based approach. The EAFPF has profound squad of diplomats, academician, policymakers and social scientist to think about the future in unconventional ways, which is capable to produce noteworthy reports, assessment and analysis accomplishments. It is our commitment to ensure that EAFPF shall always strive to maintain its high-standard quality research and analysis. This research institute’s work helps to foster strategic expertise in Europe, Arab, Turkish, Africa, and Asia (especially SAARC) through research, public debate, publication of reports and dialogue.
It’s a matter of immense pleasure to announce formation of a Think Tank named as Euro Asia
Financial Policy Forum hereinafter referred as EAFPF to be founded in 2020 at historic state-
Italy, which is known as one of the oldest surviving civilizations in the world. The EAFPF
envisioned by Syed Haroon Ahmed who has been associated with many activities of
suppressing, conquering and eliminating the religious extremism, terrorism, ethnic violence and
crime against humanity since last two decades. Mr. Ahmed is privileged to have expertise,
experience and capacity to run a Think Tank which has global presence in certain area where
issue resolved through solution-based approach. The EAFPF has profound squad of diplomats,
academician, policymakers and social scientist to think about the future in unconventional ways,
which is capable to produce noteworthy reports, assessment and analysis accomplishments. It is
our commitment to ensure that EAFPF shall always strive to maintain its high-standard quality
research and analysis. This research institute’s work helps to foster strategic expertise in Europe,
Arab, Turkish, Africa, and Asia (especially SAARC) through research, public debate, publication
of reports and dialogue.
In a time when emotions ran high, EAFPF would ensure to sober, objective research and to an
approach to problem-solving that is founded on rigor and stripped of speculation. Since our early
emphasis is on defense and security affairs, financial malpractices and human rights but we
would like to enhance our research and policy deliberation on inter-disciplinary areas aiming to
broaden EAFPF scope. We are also committed to form a team of experts to construct diverse
project so that multiple perspectives can be accommodated in the canvas of EAFPF. It is
essential to elucidate to all stakeholders and members of this prestigious think tank that our
research and fact-finding exercise would be remain impartial, independent and follow the
principle of objectivity and natural justice. It is wholly immaterial who is the research sponsor or
country but our work shall be free from all sort of commercial, partisan, and ideological
preconceptions. It is to be noted that our research shall be peer-reviewed by experts inside and
outside of EAFPF. This scrutiny is part of what shall make us a trusted source of expertise and
analysis with niche resolution of some tricky area.
Our work would be transparent and as open as possible. The EAFPF’s commitment to the public
good means that we want our work to reach and be understood by as many people as possible,
not just other experts and academics. All of our unrestricted reports shall be available for
download from anywhere in the world. The EAFPF’s is an open mode land an ambitious one.
We are confident that EAFPF would gradually emerge as the outstanding and vibrant policy
analysis institute with the experiment ever undertaken to test the idea that even mankind's most
pressing problems can be solved. Our vision—and our intent—is to continue to tackle the world's
most pressing challenges with the goal of making individuals, families, and communities
throughout the world safer and secure, healthier and more prosperous.
The unspeakable challenges of the present world and changing dimensions of the global politics needs equilibrium levers in different fronts and sectors. With the growing impasses and ideological tussles that confronting global societies and stakeholders, hence an urgent and resolute balance and fair opinion on certain tricky issues urgently needed. The unprecedented crisis in human life in the recent past especially the surge of crime against humanity, climate change, financial malpractices, terrorism, and human rights issue force us to initiate a policy institute which can provide an impartial, independent and unbiased solution of the problem that the world has been encountering today. Factually, the technological advancement has diminished the digital divide yet human engagement is declining that led to growing menace of terrorism, state crime, environment degradation, ethnic violence and genocide and other problems that the present generations have been facing, all these problems bourgeoned and heightened despite massive awareness campaign. If genuine progress to be achieved, human rights, democracy, justice and international peace for the coming generations must be guiding principles for the present international community. To establish a society based on justice, equity and liberty is not an impossible task and some challenging concern can be settled through mutual dialogue, networking and negotiations. Socially just, environmentally viable solutions are possible, but only if insightful questions are combined with excellent research. This was the philosophy behind the EAFPF.
The unspeakable challenges of the present world and changing dimensions of the global politics
needs equilibrium levers in different fronts and sectors. With the growing impasses and
ideological tussles that confronting global societies and stakeholders, hence an urgent and
resolute balance and fair opinion on certain tricky issues urgently needed. The unprecedented
crisis in human life in the recent past especially the surge of crime against humanity, climate
change, financial malpractices, terrorism, and human rights issue force us to initiate a policy
institute which can provide an impartial, independent and unbiased solution of the problem that
the world has been encountering today. Factually, the technological advancement has diminished
the digital divide yet human engagement is declining that led to growing menace of terrorism,
state crime, environment degradation, ethnic violence and genocide and other problems that the
present generations have been facing, all these problems bourgeoned and heightened despite
massive awareness campaign. If genuine progress to be achieved, human rights, democracy,
justice and international peace for the coming generations must be guiding principles for the
present international community. To establish a society based on justice, equity and liberty is not
an impossible task and some challenging concern can be settled through mutual dialogue,
networking and negotiations. Socially just, environmentally viable solutions are possible, but
only if insightful questions are combined with excellent research. This was the philosophy
behind the EAFPF.
1. The EAFPF shall promote the research and action in the area of international peace,security affairs, human rights, governance, financial malpractices, global economy, defence
strategic policy, international trade and issues concerning terrorism. Apart from that EAFPF shall
also encourage research, dialogue and network in selected area of Human Rights, Civil Liberties,
Constitutionalism, Governance, Sustainable Development, Secularism, and Minorities Rights
especially in Europe, Arab, Turkish, Africa and Asia (especially SAARC).
2. The EAFPF shall undertake specific research projects as suggested and directed by
different organizations like UNHRC, World Bank, IMF, EU and other international bodies as and when requested. The EAFPF should also conduct independent study at the request of state government on certain area and issues that need to examine thoroughly with proficient manner.
3. The EAFPF shall undertake training and workshop for various wings of constitutional
and administrative law, governance, and public policy department, including stakeholders
working in the field of diplomacy, foreign policy, international organization, international trade,
and human rights organizations and departments.
4. The EAFPF shall also promote research and analysis of different treaties and MOU
through the prism of international laws and the UN, EU framework and suggest suitable
measures for their modification if contravene international law, human rights convention,
environment law treaty, or international trade agreements.
5. The EAFPF shall also undertake workshops, the training programme for
academicians/policymakers/diplomats/bureaucrats in the suggested subjects, area, themes in the
forms of advocacy and awareness campaign. This initiative can be launch through EAFPF 15
Days Summer School Programme or EAFPF 15 Days Winter School Programme.
6. The EAFPF shall launch its own research publication and also coordinate with eminent
research centers of world repute for collaboration in varied facets of foreign policy, human
rights, international trade, and environmental law.
7. The EAFPF should also undertake training programmes for senior law enforcement
officers, NGOs, lawyers, women empowerment groups, and bureaucrats (civil servants) of the
Europe, Arab, Turkish, Africa, and Asia (especially SAARC countries).
8. The EAFPF should assist other departments/wings and organizations for providing the
solution of a certain area of conflict through its in-depth research. The EAFPF should
accommodate and provide research facilities to the academics in the various fields of social
science, public policy, and educationists.
9. The EAFPF can provide a forum for academician/retired diplomats/policymakers/eminent
politicians to present and develop works in progress, which can draw on interdisciplinary
insights and also strengthen the aim and objectives of the institute.
10. The EAFPF should routinely host international conferences, annual symposium, and
round tables talks on certain significant issues currently being faced by Europe, Arab, Turkish,
Africa, and Asia (especially SAARC countries).
11. EAFPF being an independent think tank shall provide multidisciplinary policy advice and
practical, solution-oriented implementation on prevention issues concerning international peace,
security, terrorism and other organized crimes human trafficking, narcotics trade and money-
12. Due to unmeasurable havoc of the Covid-19 pandemic, nothing will be as it was before
especially in (Asia, SAARC, Arab, Turkish and African countries). The pandemic has caused
economic disaster not only for Europe but entire world as millions have lost their jobs and
suffered huge economic crisis. As a result, millions of unidentified peoples will risk their lives
entering the European continent as illegal migrants. EAFPF Think Tank will provide complete
awareness to near about two billion poor peoples in Asia, SAARC, Arab, Turkish and African
countries. EAFPF will convince them of the legal ways to enter Europe through searching for
jobs. That is how EAFPF Think Tank will stop the entrance of illegal immigrants. This will also
boost the economy of the 3 rd world (especially Asia, SAARC, Arab, Turkish and African
countries) which affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
13. The EAFPF shall also work to suggest how to eliminate the religious extremism in
Middle East, Africa and South Asia where xenophobic violence, religious chauvinism, and
communal violence has become a routine phenomenon.
14. The EAFPF shall also prepare a study or publish white papers on the subjects like illegal
immigration, tax evasion, organized crimes, human trafficking and narcotics trade in Europe. In
this regard a comprehensive analysis of regulatory bodies and critical assessment of different law
enforcement authorities of the Europe need to be done and suggest suitable modifications in their
strategy and work profile.
15. The EAFPF would like to make an authentic study of labour crisis in Europe and Middle
East. The think tank shall collect the data of available skilled and unskilled workers and suggest
suitable measures how to deploy them in the current work force in Europe and Middle East. The
primary objective to this study is to streamline the uncontrollable influx of workers in Europe
and utilize their skills prudently.
16. Gender justice in the Middle East, Africa and Asian sub-continent is the area of concern
for all progressive societies of the west. Considering the women empowerment as an area of
prime concern and dutiful objective, the EAFPF shall promote women empowerment, gender
justice and equal opportunity campaign through different platforms and also conduct workshop,
training programmes and symposia highlighting pressing need of gender justice, women’s rights
and agenda as per the aspiration of United Nations.
17. The EAFPF shall also work as “Advocacy for Public” through print and electronic
Medias in the Arab, Turkish, African and SAARC countries and the communities living in
Europe. Millions of booklets will be published and distributed door to door for general
18. The EAFPF will also provide financial investment programs to the international business
community for investing in the Arab, Turkish, African and SAARC (Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) countries for economic development in
a proper & peaceful environment.
19. EAFPF will also invite Arab, Turkish, African and SAARC business investors to invest
in Europe. The EAFPF work with entirely honest and transparent in all our expertise
consultation, policy decisions and advisories pertaining to investment matter in all sector. We
place professional courtesy and efficiency at the forefront of everything we do.
20. The overarching objective of EAFPF is to provide a platform for information sharing,
exchange of ideas, awareness, knowledge creation and dissemination, and creating partnerships
among think tanks in order to individually and collectively develop evidence-based solutions to
the pressing development challenges facing Europe, Arab, Turkish, African and SAARC
countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka)
and governments.
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